104 Wyncrest Way, Suite 100 • Hendersonville, TN 37075 • (615) 824-2571
Tennessee's Premier Elder Law & Estate Planning Firm
Is your Loved One in Crisis?
The answer is YES if any of these statements are true:
Your loved one is dependent on family/professional caregivers
You have been told that your loved one can no longer live at home.
The long-term care your loved one needs may bankrupt the family
The Many Facets of Crisis
A diagnosis. A medical emergency. An accident. A discovery. No matter what happens, if a loved one can’t return home, it can spark a cascade of catastrophes for the older adult and family caregivers.
The Housing Crisis
Family members scramble to assess options, often paying a premium for care and services arranged at the last minute.
The Financial Crisis
The high cost of care means family assets end up siphoned away to pay for expensive long-term care.
The Family Crisis
The situation throws the entire family into turmoil, especially if family members disagree about care. Conflict is common.
The Caregiver Crisis
Confusion and burnout are the norm for caregivers, especially if they’ve been providing care on their own for months, years, or even decades.
Quality of Life for Your Loved One. Peace of Mind for You.
A Crisis Life Care Plan is for elderly loved ones who need immediate care to protect their health and safety. It gives you and your family the guidance needed to protect the legal, financial, and personal well-being of elderly loved ones in crisis.
Each Life Care Plan is customized to meet the client’s needs. Most Life Care Plans include elder law, estate planning, Medicaid planning, VA benefits planning, care coordination, insurance support, advocacy, and asset protection strategies such as maximizing contributions to IRAs, moving funds to an irrevocable trust, retitling various assets, or using limited liability companies or family limited partnerships.