104 Wyncrest Way, Suite 100 • Hendersonville, TN 37075 • (615) 824-2571
Tennessee's Premier Elder Law & Estate Planning Firm
What Should You Do With Your Estate Planning Documents?
You keep the originals of your estate planning documents (wills and trusts). What should you do with them?
Health Insurance: Terms You Should Know
Health insurance policies can take many different forms such as employer group plans, individual policies...
What Is An Elder Care Coordinator?​
What is an Elder Care Coordinator? How can an Elder Care Coordinator help with our concerns about our loved one?
25 Topics To Discuss with Your Health Care Agent
You should discuss your beliefs and wishes with your health care agent. When instructing your health care agent...
About Elder Care Law About Your Team
In the late 1980s Elder Law became a specialty of law that focuses on the needs of older clients and those with disabilities.
Powers of Attorney: What Every POA Should Know​
This memorandum is organized in eight parts: (1) About the Power of Attorney
(2) Powers and Duties of an...
About Your Will How Assets Pass at Death
Your estate planning documents include a will. Most wills are similar in their basics; it’sthe details pertaining to disposition...
What Is a Life Care Plan?
The Life Care Plan places special emphasis on issues surrounding long life. The Life Care Plan connects...
How We Plan For Long-Term Care of Our Clients
Planning for the care of our elder clients is not simply an exercise in which the elder law attorney...
Medicare: An Overview
Medicare is a federal health insurance program for people who are age 65 or older and certain...
The Medicaid Process: The CHOICES Program
CHOICES” is TennCare’s program for long-term services and supports for older people (age 65 years and older) ...
The Long-Term Care Maze: Getting Care While Getting Older
Preparing for the possible costs of future impairment and long-term care is, regrettably, a task that everyone faces...
Veterans' Benefits Summary
The United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is a federal Cabinet-level agency that provides integrated...
Your Personal Care Needs
As part of your Elder Care Law planning, it is important to look at the three domains of elder care.
The Continuum Of Support
Health and Ability to Function, Home Sweet Home, Cost of Care, and Public Benefits and Resources...
Considerations for Moving Across State Lines
Read this before making a move across state lines. Important questions to ask about the move.