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Elder Care Coordination: What a Nice Surprise

Updated: May 30, 2023

Trying to navigate an elderly loved one’s long-term care journey on your own isn’t easy. In terms of difficulty, it’s right up there with trying to find a door in a dark room without any source of light. You may stumble around and eventually find your way out, but you may end up with scrapes and bruises along the way.

Many people who find themselves thrust into the role of family caregiver feel like they’re in this dark room. They have no idea where to start. If they’re lucky, somebody—maybe a friend or a social worker or a healthcare professional—will suggest they call our office. Even then, these family caregivers may believe that the scope of our help is limited to getting legal documents in order or helping their loved one qualify for Medicaid or VA benefits. What most people don’t realize is that Takacs McGinnis Elder Care Law has a secret weapon: the elder care coordinator.

The role of the elder care coordinator has been described as similar to that of a wedding planner—but for elder care. That’s not too far off. The elder care coordinator's job is to guide, educate, navigate, assist, soothe, comfort, and coach the family. If you’re a family caregiver and you’re not sure what to do next, you call your elder care coordinator. If the caregivers you’ve chosen aren’t working out, you call your elder care coordinator. If your loved one takes a turn for the worse and you’re not sure what to do, you call your elder care coordinator. No matter what happens during the long-term care journey, you call your elder care coordinator.

Not long ago, a woman who had just received an ALS diagnosis scheduled an appointment with Takacs McGinnis. This woman came to us because she wanted help getting her legal documents in order. However, her bigger questions such as, “What happens to me?” and “How can I make sure I get the care I need while still protecting assets for my kids?” couldn’t be answered by legal documents alone.

This woman came to us looking for a legal solution, but we were able to offer more. Because we are a Life Care Planning Law Firm, we were able to answer those bigger questions. Working collaboratively with the firm’s attorneys, our elder care coordinator helped her create a plan that would achieve all her goals. We also helped her achieve something that she didn’t expect: confidence in her plan for the future.

During our initial meeting, when this client understood what elder care coordination was and that our firm offered it, there was a deep sigh of relief. That sigh spoke volumes. It said, “This is what I'm going to need going forward, and this is how I'm going to make it work. I have a Life Care Plan. I can relax.”

Many people still believe that elder law is limited to creating legal documents, helping people get on Medicaid and VA benefits, and making sure the nursing home doesn’t take the house. When those people find their way to Takacs McGinnis and they realize how much more they need—and how much more we can help—they are more than just pleasantly surprised. They are relieved.

Call 615.824.2571 to learn how a Life Care Plan can help you and your elderly loved ones.


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