At the last Learning Café, public Benefits Specialist Josh Bey discussed TennCare’s redetermination process.
All Medicaid agencies such as TennCare are required to redetermine the eligibility of their members at least once a year. This means TennCare must review members’ information and decide if they still qualify for coverage. When it’s time to determine if a member still qualifies for coverage, TennCare may send some members a Renewal Packet. These packets include forms that must be completed, signed, and returned to TennCare by the date requested in the letter.
The TennCare Renewal packet contains about 70 pages. The CHOICES portion of the renewal application is about 28 pages. This process may be every bit as challenging as your initial application, and if you are selected for redetermination, you will have a tight deadline for submitting evidence that the recipient still qualifies. If you don’t respond, the recipient risks losing benefits.
The renewal packet asks about changes to your income and resources. This is a great time to report if your pension or retirement has changed. If anything has been sold, traded, or transferred, report it to TennCare in your renewal.
There are 4 ways to renew your coverage:
Option 1: Call TennCare Connect for free at 855-259-0701 to renew your coverage over the phone.
Option 2: Mail your completed and signed Renewal Packet to:
TennCare Connect P.O. Box 305240 Nashville, TN 37230-5240
Option 3: Fax your completed and signed Renewal Packet to (855) 315-0669. Be sure to keep the page that says your fax went through.
Option 4: Use TennCare Connect. If the letter you got in the mail says you can renew your coverage online, visit https://tenncareconnect.tn.gov and log in to your TennCare Connect account. Then click “Renew my Coverage.”
Questions? Need help? Just give the office a call at (615) 824-2571.