104 Wyncrest Way, Suite 100 • Hendersonville, TN 37075 • (615) 824-2571
Tennessee's Premier Elder Law & Estate Planning Firm

Special Needs Planning
Provide for Loved Ones After You’re Gone
What is a Special Needs Plan?
Special Needs Planning addresses the very real possibility that if you leave an inheritance to a dependent who is disabled or dealing with a long-term illness, he or she could lose eligibility for important government benefits. That’s where Special Needs Trusts can be so valuable. A Special Needs Trust provides for supplemental care and life-enhancing services and equipment beyond that which the government provides. Because the assets named in a Special Needs Trust are not considered countable assets, the Trust does not hinder the disabled person’s eligibility and qualification for government “needs-based” benefits such as Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), vocational rehabilitation, or subsidized housing. Special Needs Planning also refers to the process making provisions for a loved one’s health, housing, and financial security after you are no longer able to care for them.
Learn More
To find out more about how Special Needs Planning services from Johnson McGinnis Elder Care Law can benefit you and your loved ones, contact Johnson McGinnis to schedule your consultation.
Call (615) 824-2571 or email us.