104 Wyncrest Way, Suite 100 • Hendersonville, TN 37075 • (615) 824-2571
Tennessee's Premier Elder Law & Estate Planning Firm
Why Choose Johnson McGinnis?

Work with America’s First Life Care Planning Law Firm
Care Always Comes First
Our multi-disciplinary practice offers the best in comprehensive care for your loved one.
The Elder Care Continuum
Our conceptual model makes it easy to understand your options in response to the natural progression of aging and its impact on a loved one's health, mobility, housing, and financial resources.
Unmatched Expertise
With more than 214 years of combined legal, social work, nursing, medical, and insurance experience, our firm has what it takes to handle your loved one's situation, no matter how complicated it may be.
Two Certified Elder Law Attorneys
Johnson McGinnis Elder Care Law & Estate Planning is the only elder care law firm in Middle Tennessee with two Certified Elder Law Attorneys on staff.
You Stay in Control
The members of your Life Care Plan Implementation Team serve as expert advisors who empower you with guidance, support, and information so you can make decisions with confidence about your loved one's care throughout the long-term care journey.
Access to Every Service
We are well-networked in the senior services community, which makes it easier for you to connect with the resources and services you will need to take care of your loved one.
Ongoing Care Coordination
Instead of referring you to outside providers and leaving you to research, choose and monitor care yourself, your Elder Care Coordinator serves as a coach, advisor and subject matter expert who helps you respond with confidence to challenges during the long-term care journey.
No Subcontractors
Every member of your Life Care Plan Implementation Team is an employee of Johnson McGinnis Elder Care Law & Estate Planning who works under the direct supervision of the firm's attorneys.