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Who We Help

Worried about the Future

Senior woman in wheelchair - Takacs McGinnis Elder Care Law & Estate Planning in TN
Has Something Happened? 

Trigger Events are Signs of Trouble Ahead

Now is the time to start planning for the future with a Pre-Crisis Life Care Plan

A Diagnosis


Chronic Conditions with No Cure

Alzheimer’s Disease

Parkinson’s Disease


A Medical Emergency

Heart Attack



An Accident


Car Wreck

Fire in the Home

Mistake involving Medication

A Discovery

Your Loved One is...



Unable to Provide Self-Care due to Functional Limitations

The Longer You Wait

the More You Risk


A trigger event is the ideal time to put a Pre-Crisis Life Care Plan in place. 

Why do people wait? There may be resistance from the older adult who mistakenly believes that planning means giving up control. There might be concerns about money. Maybe family members can’t see the toll on the primary caregiver’s physical health. 

Senior man looking out window - Takacs McGinnis Elder Care Law & Estate Planning in TN

Waiting has its risks.

The longer you wait, the more time you’ll waste reacting to one crisis after another as your loved one’s condition declines. The greater the toll becomes on family caregivers. The longer you wait, the greater the odds become that your loved one will end up forced to move to a long-term care facility, a place almost no one wants to be. The longer you wait, the fewer options you’ll have—and the most expensive those options will be.


Everyone loses.

Senior Businesswoman

Early Planning Makes All the Difference

The Life Care Planning process is especially powerful at bringing about the results that everyone wants, especially when the planning process begins soon after a trigger event.

More Options

More Control

More Independence

 More Resources

More Dignity

More Peace of Mind

Sidestep the Care Crisis.

A Pre-Crisis Life Care Plan from Johnson McGinnis Elder Care Law is your path to peace of mind.  Call (615) 824-2571 to schedule your confidential consultation. 

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